Saturday, December 22, 2012

Merry Christmas

No posts lately, due to more pressing matters such as keeping my new little boy full time. Here's hoping all have a Merry Christmas. Will get something up soon, but lately have been doing some commissions and starting lots of work. Finishing, however, is more of a challenge right now. Maybe the new year will offer more time for working. But here are some pics of my annual Christmas windows at Smith's Red & White store in Dorches, NC, well known for their pork products. Each window is 4.5 x 6 feet. This is our 15th year doing them. They'll be scraped off in 4 days... Go get some sausage links, old fashioned candy, and check em out! 

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Are you using acrylic for these since they are on glass? do you have tp prime with something? Always curious about the materials!
